Our Services

Oral Scanner

Do you know the evolution of digital gadgets have revolutionized the world in all the fields of life .Same impact and revolution has marked a milestone in dentistry also.we were thinking and reading about the Advantages and disadvantages of impression materials as per there accuracy and shrinkage values. But we are lucky enough in this age to work with the help of gadget called *intraoral scanner *. With same vision of believing the latest contemporary digital equipments GULSHAN DENTAL LAB has stepped towards the usage and installation of the full digital equipment system in the state of art dental laboratory at Baghi zainab Balhama to remain at par with the world of digital dentistry. So our doctors can avail and enjoy our intraoral scanner to delete the manual way of making impressions by placing different impression materials in the oral cavity. So avoid gagging ,messiness.inaccuracy ,slowness . The impression/scan is forwarded in seconds to our work station and work started at the same time.

3D Printing

Now the days have gone of working with gypsum products manually. The problems associated with usage of dental Plaster ,dental stone like dimensional changes ,bubbles,voids due to which often we were recalling the patients for making the impression. We at Gulshan dental laboratory have come with 3d printing facility were no model is poured with gypsum products hence forth so no stone age and end to this age . 3D printing at our lab is currently done for all types of prosthesis types like zirconia,Metal fused to porcelain,implant crown and full mouth restorations ,flexible partial dentures etc. Our associated doctors are availing 3d printing at very nominal charges to boost their work and convert their patients from manual work to digital work flow. We at Gulshan dental laboratory think this as service to humanity and love towards profession to provide state of art machinery for our valuable doctors and their patients. So call the numbers in contact list to give us opportunity to serve.

Invisible Aligners

Now You Can Avail this Service From Us

Oral Scanner

Now You Can Avail this Service From Us

Oral Scanner

Now You Can Avail this Service From Us

Oral Scanner

Now You Can Avail this Service From Us

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Qualified Technicians

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Qualified Technicians

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Qualified Technicians

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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